
6 Signs Your Certification is Ready for Online Proctoring

6 Signs Your Certification is Ready for Online Proctoring

Proctoring is a quintessential part of every rigorous exam or knowledge assessment. Until recently, humans filled the role themselves in either a classroom, study halls or large testing centers. 

Today, technology has come a long way. Students can[...]

Online Proctoring for Deans and Department Chairs

Online Proctoring for Deans and Department Chairs

Editor’s note: This blog post was originally published in October 2016 and updated in May 2021.

The benefits of online education are multifold. For both institutions and students, there is a running list of what advantages online learning options[...]

Looking Beyond COVID-19: 4 Trends Shaping Higher Education

Looking Beyond COVID-19: 4 Trends Shaping Higher Education

With vaccine administration up and running, higher education has reached a critical turning point in pandemic response. Last spring, several colleges and universities turned to virtual offerings, en masse, to keep faculty and students safe and in[...]