According to the equivalency theory, it is the responsibility of the educator to design learning events that provide experiences with equal value for learners no matter what environment the learners are coming from. The theory states that in order for distance education to be successful, there should be equivalency for distance and local learners. Equivalent experiences = equivalent learning outcomes.
The theory puts great importance on the concept of the learning experience, stating that it is likely that different students in various locations, learning at different times, may require a different mix of learning experiences.
In order to achieve equivalence, appropriate application needs to be met. In other words, the learning experience needs to be suitable to the needs of the individual learner, the learning situation should be readily available, and the availability of learning experiences needs to be proper and timely.
In order for this to occur, the following needs to be incorporated:
Courses should be designed to:
Overall, students should be defined by their enrollment in a course, not by their location. Creating equivalence for students no matter their location helps promote distance education, ensuring distance education is providing equal learning outcomes no matter the distance.