Online Testing Products Can Increase Teacher Effectiveness

Just yesterday we came across a well done post on MiddleWeb as part of their “New Teacher Series” titled “What an Effective Teacher’s Classroom Looks Like.” The article is worth the click. The authors, Annette Breaux and Todd Whitaker, lay out[...]

Harvard Introduces New Student Honest Pledge

Cheating scandals have pushed universities to tighten their academic integrity policies, implement stricter proctoring practices and even introduce new or revised honor codes, all in an effort to discourage students from cheating and plagiarism.

School leadership investigated for allowing extra time on exams

In two consecutive years, a principal of a middle school in New York, allegedly ordered teachers to give students up to twice the amount of allowed time for their English and Math state exams. The investigation surrounding the cheating incidents[...]

Are test banks susceptible to cheating-like risks?

Some consider test banks a smart, intuitive way of studying for a test. Other regard the studying of previous tests nothing short of cheating as students can sense patterns as to the kinds of questions and topics a professor is more inclined to test[...]

Is a cheaper degree more valuable when compared to long-term debt?

A record low number of college freshmen are in their first school of choice. Enrolling choices are affected by the cost of top-tier elite colleges, causing students and their parents to choose what the may have previously considered to be second or[...]

Student’s attempt to find impersonator for exam goes awry

A Seattle-based student created a Craigslist ad for a “taller college age brunette” in order to take an online college placement test for her. Some teachers, members of a private teaching Facebook group, found out about it and decided to act. They[...]

ProctorFree - Selected as Finalist in Charlotte Venture Challenge 2014

ProctorFree, an educational technology startup located in Charlotte, NC, has been selected to participate as a finalist in the Charlotte Venture Challenge competition. The Charlotte Venture Challenge is a startup competition specifically for[...]

Students use social media to share test clues

Students across the state of Florida recently shared writing prompt questions on social media. The writing section prompt of the Florida Comprehensive Assessment Test (FCAT) can be easily obtained by following related hash tags on Twitter.

Udacity planning to offer new courses developed by tech-industry leaders

Udacity one of the top MOOC providers is now focusing on providing learning opportunities for people wishing to equip themselves with high-demand digital skills. Apart from providing free online courses, Udacity is now offering advanced skills that[...]

Medical students use iPads to cheat on exam

24 medical students at the University of Adelaide, Australia, were implicated in a cheating scandal involving iPads. The 14 fifth-year medicine students admitted their participation and 10 others were discovered after the University performed a[...]