Tag: Computer Based Testing


It was only a matter of time before massive open online courses (MOOC) were challenged to see online learning in a new light. Distributed Open Collaborative Course (DOCC) has a different approach to how students should learn through online education[...]

Teachers' Role Decreases, While Technology Increases

The growth of advanced technology over the last decade also brings a negative impact to educators’ job market. Technology persistently proves how effective it can educate students, while lowering costs for educators. On the contrary, are[...]

Possible Cheating Epidemic for Online Education

With the rise of online education there comes the outbreak of cheaters. Educators are scurrying to stay ahead of the game in cheating. Online courses have emerged for participants (mostly professors) to teach ways of identifying and catching[...]

Proctoring an Exam in the Middle of the Night

Going above and beyond the call of duty, Gail Winter, assistant director of the International Studies Office of Wesleyan University. She was presented with a Cardinal Achievement Award this month for her extra efforts. Read the article here:  [...]

Locking in Higher Standards for Online Authenticity

Since the impetus law was passed in 2008, colleges offering online courses are cracking down on making sure the correct student receiving financial aid for the class is actually the one doing the work. This law was enacted to require colleges to[...]

High Schools Request Advanced Technology to Stop Cheating

As technology has improved in education, public schools are realizing it’s potential. Over seventy percent of high schools have some online testing in place. But even with current practices used to stop cheating, students seem to find a way around[...]

Computerized Testing in Florida Schools is Ideal for All States to Adapt

Computerized Testing in Florida Schools is Ideal for All States to Adapt