Meet Suzanne: A fireside chat with ProctorFree’s new COO

We are back with more great articles about higher education and online learning. Here are the articles we most enjoyed reading and sharing this week; covering subjects including high school online learning[...]
Adult, nontraditional students are already a major part of the education landscape, and their growth is not slowing down. As the number of adult[...]
“The root of the word ‘credential’ is credence, and the value offered by credibility is only possible when credentials are based on a foundation of solid learning[...]
We love Edsurge! (Check out ProctorFree’s Edsurge product page). Edsurge has a new podcast feature that I was excited to check out. While the podcasts I listened to were all great; the project based learning podcast on strategies for promoting[...]
Last Friday I took a scenic drive up to Boone for the Appalachian State FreeLearning Conference. Spoiler alert: if you can get to this conference, go! For a whole bunch of reasons this conference needs to be on your 2016 calendar including the[...]
Being near the center of our nation’s capital felt appropriate for this years Blackboard World 2015 conference. While we didn’t directly attend any sessions we did our best to stay tuned in and appreciated hearing[...]
Wow! What a conference! As first time attendees, Mike and I (the co-founders of ProctorFree) could not have been more impressed with the delivery of such a grand event. From the food, entertainment, and sessions, the Canvas staff thought of[...]