ProctorFree Blog: Online Learning Tips, News, and Trends

Transition to ProctorFree

Written by ProctorFree | May 23, 2024 5:16:13 PM

We are receiving a large number of inquiries from schools and organizations that are evaluating moving away from their current proctoring provider for one or several of the reasons listed below. We wanted to take an opportunity and highlight some of the reasons why over 100+ of our clients have left their current proctoring provider and moved to ProctorFree. If anything here resonates with you please let us know and we will coordinate a call with you at your earliest convenience.

There are several reasons why an organization may move from their current provider to ProctorFree. They can range from:

You have been informed that your existing proctoring service is being sunset

Sunsetting a product or service means the provider is planning for its eventual removal from the market and ceasing any further development. If you have been informed that your prior or current solution is being “sunset” you should start evaluating contingency plans.

Even if you are told something new or better would replace your current solution, I would at least anticipate delayed launch timelines and it’s possible that a decision will be made that’s not in line with your expectations for a smooth transition. This could mean receiving information such as a significant delay in the transition to the new service, added fees or an “upsell”, or the decision to not offer services to you leaving you in a bind on short notice.

Being Sold To, Customer Service, Technical Support, and Responsiveness

Let’s face it, we have all been “sold” to in the past. ProctorFree employs no one with a traditional sales background and we operate in a very consultative manner. If we aren’t a good fit for a potential client or they aren’t a good fit for us, we politely explain why before too much time is invested in our engagement. Don’t fall for being told standard industry jargon, served endless marketing materials, feature dumping which is the process of a sales person rambling about features without first attempting to understand the buyers needs, or a sales person that’s worked for multiple proctoring companies, saying what they’re offering is the best at each stop along the way. If the person you are speaking with can’t clearly demonstrate (live) what they provide and answer questions clearly in a prompt manner, I would be leery in the consumer’s shoes.

We want you to have a positive experience with your proctoring provider because it reflects well on our industry and the experience of a test taker is paramount. Not only does ProctorFree provide best-in-class 24/7/365 support, but we have very rigid requirements for how our support agents interact with students and test takers. If you are unsatisfied with the level of responsiveness and transparency with your current provider, it's time to talk to us and our responsiveness and transparency will be consistent for the duration of your engagement with us.

Minimum Use Requirements and Extended Term Limits

Any viable business must operate with some kind of a margin over an extended period of time. That’s an oversimplification, but it’s true. We would never inform a new client that they must have a minimum annual spend of $40,000.00 - $50,000.00 or an existing client that they must spend upwards of $10,000.00 more annually in order to maintain our service. We would never want to be treated like that by one of our service providers.

We also operate an efficient business with far less overhead compared to some of our live proctoring or call-center model competitors. That has allowed us to onboard and serve clients of all shapes and sizes with a sustainable operating margin. And to callback from above, if we take a call with an organization that needs to conduct a one-time proctoring event for a small number of test takers, we will counsel them through other options versus going through the effort of implementing a one-time virtual proctoring event. However, if there is any recurrence, no matter how small, we are interested in helping. Not only because it’s a simple and repeatable process for us to work with clients, but we recognize that by partnering with you that may afford your program the opportunity it needs to grow, something truly mutually beneficial to our organizations.

Additionally, unless a client asks for longer terms, and many have, ProctorFree’s client agreement terms are typically one year or have even month-to-month for certain smaller programs upon request. Meaning a client is not obligated to use ProctorFree for longer than 30 days, and we include complimentary access even prior to that. Of course there are larger organizations we serve that coordinate for multi-year agreements which is fine by us, but we are also putting “skin in the game” with many of our clients and it creates an inherent motivation to perform well for them.

Back to Merger and Acquisition Activity

We have received numerous inquiries recently informing us that Meazure Learning is messaging to previous Examity clients that they are sunsetting all Examity services in November 2024. Coincidentally we are also hearing similar rumblings that RPnow, originally a Software Secure product that was acquired by PSI, is also being sunset prior to the end of 2024. As you can imagine this is resulting in an influx of inquiries and puts us in the sensitive position to be fair to other operators in our industry, and calm the concerns of industry customers and consumers of proctoring services. Some prospects are telling us they were already unhappy with the level of support and customer service that their current and soon to be previous provider was offering, and that they are confused or simply don’t trust the path forward. Either way, we are hosting consultative meetings with all prospects to understand if they require live proctoring going forward (something we don’t currently offer but we do have full human review capabilities after-the-exam), whether or not they are using a specific Learning Management System (LMS) or Test Delivery Engine, and several other factors.

ProctorFree is prepared to have a prompt and transparent dialog with you that will cover what you have done in the past, what you are currently facing, and what a transition could look like. We will also provide you with clear pricing and a timeline for transition within 24-48 hours of our consultation. You will not have to wait on us and we understand that a transition will often need to be supported over the course of weeks or months.

Schedule your ProctorFree consultation by using the links at the bottom of this page. You'll learn: 

  • How to set up and launch ProctorFree to include receiving complimentary access.
  • Guidance, training, and support on how to streamline the transition process.
  • Competitive pricing models that support a host of options for our customers.

What is it like to get started with ProctorFree?

First, we offer complimentary access to test out our services. In some cases a future client will only need a couple of weeks, in other more complex situations a future client will need several months of access. This usually occurs when they are getting way ahead of a timeline when their contract with an existing provider expires, if they have a user (student, test taker, candidate) journey that involves several steps, or perhaps they are moving to a new Learning Management System (LMS) or Test Delivery Engine. In those cases the introduction of proctoring or moving to a new proctoring provider is another major piece of the overall learning experience and they’ll want to thoroughly test every step.

Once a new client launches with ProctorFree they will be amazed by the responsiveness, professionalism, and solutions oriented mindset of our team. We receive some kind of feedback about this part of our business weekly and it fuels us to invest even more into our customer success and support practice. It’s a muscle we exercise regularly. 

What’s Next

We have very low client churn at ProctorFree, usually occurring from things outside of our influence. We even have a couple of clients that churned at some point after being told YES by other providers, only to welcome them back with open arms, oftentimes on short notice. We view business relationships as long term engagements and value getting to know other great humans involved in the delivery of education.

With that said, we’re here everyday if you want to talk but we suspect you won’t need to. We have some clients where there are routine monthly check ins, and others that talk to us annually or rarely. Either way is fine, we provide on demand services with 24/7/365 technical support and you rarely need to engage with an account manager if you do not wish to. But if you need assistance or want to relationship-build, we’re here for that too.

Links to schedule a 30 minute or 55 minute meeting with our team can be found below.